Current Weather
Mostly cloudy
Flume Gorge
9:00am - 5:00pm
Aerial Tram
Echo Lake Beach

Artists Bluff

BALD MOUNTAIN and ARTISTS BLUFF, reached by a short hike, offer some of the best views of Cannon Mountain and Franconia Notch for the effort. The 1.5 mile loop begins in the big dirt parking area across Route 18 from the Peabody Base Area. After .25 mile, a short, steep path diverges left for .1 mile to the open summit of Bald Mountain.

The main trail continues on from the junction and bears right, up and across the low ridge. A short, unmarked path diverges left to the open top of Artists Bluff. The main trail continues down to Route 18 near Echo Lake.

Hiker parking in the Echo Lake Beach parking lot is not permitted. Hiker parking is located down the road in the big dirt lot across the street from the Cannon Mountain base area.